Nestled on a picturesque bay on the shores of Lake Huron, the historic town of Bruce Mines is a small but vibrant community offering all the amenities needed for families of all ages. Bruce Mines is located on Trans Canada Highway 17 just 65km east of Sault Ste Marie and has numerous events and activities throughout the year. Founded in 1846 as Canada's first copper mine, our town is steeped in history - tour the Simpson Mine Shaft (currently closed for repairs/upgrades), visit the
museum or simply enjoy all that nature has to offer in the surrounding countryside.
The Corporation of the Town of Bruce Mines provides information for both residents and visitors.
Please take time to explore our website and find out all you need to know about our beautiful town.
If you have any questions or require further information please contact the Town office on 705-785-3493.
Effective May 16/25 - August 29/25, the municipal office will close at noon on Fridays.
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