By-laws & Policies
The By-laws on this Website are provided for information purposes only; they are copies of original files. In all matters, the official version of each of these files belonging to the Corporation of the Town of Bruce Mines will supersede the copies linked to and/or shown on this Website. The files linked on this Website are the copyright of The Corporation of the Town of Bruce Mines. All rights reserved.
These documents are protected and any attempt to tamper with the security and/or content of these documents may result in legal action.

Tax Rates
Bylaw 2024-17 Tax Rates

Zoning Bylaw MAP

Property Standards
2008-16 - By-Law - FINAL

Site Plan Control

Water Usage
2010-28 - Restrictions on water usage during summer months

Cemetery Fees
Current fees

Cemetery Services
2023-27 - Cemetery maintenance, management and control

Zoning By Law
2021-19 - Consolidated with amendments to July 19, 2021 plus associated Schedule

Zoning By-Law
2021-19 - Amendment to the previous Zoning By-law

Strategic Asset Managment
2019-29 - Strategic Asset Management Policy - 24 June 2019

Yard By-Law
2010-37 - Yard maintenance

Dog By-Law
2004-23 - Animal Control