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HALF LOADING in effect March 14/25 on all town streets.    2025 DOG TAGS required April 1st.     FIRE PERMITS required April 1st - October 31st.     HOMEOWNERS/RESIDENTS are responsible for their 911 sign being visible, straight, etc.     REMINDER:  No parking on streets between November 1 and April 30 to facilitate snow removal in the Town of Bruce Mines.  Thank you for your cooperation.     Click here for the 2024/25 RECYCLING CALENDAR.   
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What is a building permit?

To ensure compliance with the Ontario Building Code a permit must first be obtained for

  • the construction, renovation, demolition and
    certain changes of use of buildings
  • the installation, alteration, extension or repair
    of on-site sewage systems.

Why should you obtain a building permit?

Building permits allow the Town to protect the interests of both individuals and the community as a whole. By reviewing and approving building plans before any work is done, the Town can ensure that buildings comply with:

  • the Building Code, which sets specific standards for the design and construction of buildings to meet objectives such as health, safety, fire protection, accessibility and resource conservation
  • the local zoning by-law and other planning controls on buildings
  • other applicable legislation, including conservation authority approvals and certain requirements under the Environmental Protection Act.

When should you obtain a building permit?

You must obtain a building permit before you:

  • construct any new building over ten square meters in area or place another structure on your property
  • make renovations or repairs or add to a building
  • excavate or construct a foundation
  • construct a seasonal building.

Permits are also required for the installation, alteration, extension or repair of an on-site sewage system.

How do you apply for a building permit?

Complete an Application for a Permit to Construct or Demolish and submit to the Town Office for review. Appointments can be arranged by calling the town office at 705-785-3493 (to help with minimal pre-permit questions). The application will then be forwarded to Tulloch Engineering.  You will be advised by the town office when your permit is ready for pick up and of the permit fee required.

Contact the Town office if you have any questions about when a building permit may be required.

Additional guidance is also available from the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)

If you work in construction, the rules for mandatory WSIB coverage have changed. This affects both customers of and providers of construction services.

"As of January 1, 2013 new mandatory coverage rules came into effect; however, with effect from January 1, 2014, contractors who have not yet registered with the WSIB, and who do construction work without a valid clearance number will face fines of up to $100,000 upon conviction.  Those who hire contractors without confirming they have a valid clearance number also face serious fines and penalties."

Find out more



View Dog Licence Digital Application



View Fire Permit Application


Getting Married in Ontario

Marriage Licence Application