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HALF LOADING in effect March 14/25 on all town streets.    2025 DOG TAGS required April 1st.     FIRE PERMITS required April 1st - October 31st.     HOMEOWNERS/RESIDENTS are responsible for their 911 sign being visible, straight, etc.     REMINDER:  No parking on streets between November 1 and April 30 to facilitate snow removal in the Town of Bruce Mines.  Thank you for your cooperation.     Click here for the 2024/25 RECYCLING CALENDAR.   
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Simpson Mine Shaft


The Simpson Copper Mine Shaft, a crucial piece of Canadian mining history, is located right in the town of Bruce Mines. The Bruce Mines, as they were collectively known, produced the first hard-rock copper in Canada  in 1847. Having been restored to demonstrate copper mining of the 1800's, the Simpson Shaft is open for guided tours during the summer months.

Visitors get a glimpse of what it was like to mine on the shores of Lake Huron. See a replica of a horse pulled whim that pulled the buckets of ore up and down the mineshaft, walk in the footsteps of the miners down in the actual sloop mine, and peruse our mining museum and gift shop.

Open July & August.

Tuesday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Closed Sunday and Monday.

Admission: Adults $5, Children/ Students $4, Family (max. 2 adults) $10


Additional Information

To find out more about Mining in our Area go to Bruce Mines: A History of Copper. There you can view over 180 historical images and read supporting narratives. 

Bruce Mines and the Cornish at Canada's first copper mine by Dr. Sharron Schwartz gives considerable insight into the copper mining era in Bruce Mines.